WSTA TRAC/TAAC Application

WSTA’s Transit Riders Advisory Committee/Trans-AID Advisory Committee (TRAC/TAAC) will help WSTA improve transit services and programs by advising WSTA’s transit staff, and Board of Directors. The committee’s role is to provide feedback regarding issues relating to the quantity and quality of fixed route and paratransit services. Each member will receive a monthly bus pass for their service on the Committee.


The committee is comprised of 11 citizens from the local community. Four of the members represent community partner-agencies who work with public transit users; which serve through appointment by the WSTA Board. The remaining 7 members must apply to serve on the Committee. These members are riders who use public transportation (defined by at least two trips per-week on WSTA’s fixed route system or a minimum of 4 trips per-month on Trans-AID, with diverse geographic representation:
• 1 representative from Winston-Salem’s west side
• 1 representative from Winston-Salem’s north side
• 1 representative from Winston-Salem’s south side
• 1 representative from Winston-Salem’s east side
• 3 paratransit riders from the community

Terms of Service:

• Each member will be required to attend regularly and cannot miss more than 2 excused meetings per year.
• Terms of service will be staggered with a mix of 1 and 2 year terms to ensure seamless continuity.
• Members will not serve more than six consecutive years.
• Former members cannot reapply for 2 years after they have transitioned off the Committee.

If you’re interested in becoming a TRAC/TAAC member, submit your application by April 30, 2021 to:

100 West Fifth Street
W-S, NC 27101

Email the application and information to

Member Application

The new TRAC/TAAC members will combine their collective knowledge and experience with WSTA’s services with related overall community needs and values to provide insight and advice to the WSTA Board and staff. Members will be selected who represent a diverse cross-section of the community. While some members of the TRAC/TAAC are actual riders, others represent partner agencies who advocate on behalf of individuals who utilize public transportation.

Meeting Schedule

The committee meets in the 2nd floor conference room at the Clark Campbell Transportation Center, 100 West Fifth Street in downtown Winston-Salem bi-monthly. Meetings are scheduled for the 3rd Tuesday of every other month, unless pressing issues require an emergency meeting. Meetings can be held remotely or by conference call if necessary.

WSTA TRAC/TAAC Application

  • Statement of Interest

    In the space below, please answer the following, limiting your entire response to 500 words or less: