Winston-Salem Transit Authority Code of Conduct

Previous Revision: April 30, 2020 
Revised: September 12, 2023 
Council Approval: October 10, 2023 
Effective: December 1, 2023

The following Code of Conduct shall apply to any passenger, patron, and/or citizen accessing any of the Winston-Salem Transit Authority’s transit facilities; vehicles and/ or property.

The Winston-Salem Transit Authority (WSTA) is committed to providing safe and reliable transit services to every individual who utilizes the Transportation Center (TC), Administrative Facility, Maintenance Facility and Vehicles.

In an effort to maintain “Safety First” inside and outside of all facilities and vehicles, the Winston-Salem Transit Authority has established the following Code of Conduct and it shall be enforced by the managing contracted staff, security firm up to and including the Local Law Enforcement officers.

The Winston-Salem Transit Authority has adopted a policy of zero tolerance for violence. Threats, threatening behavior, or acts of violence against employees or citizens by anyone will not be tolerated.

Transportation Center, Administrative/Maintenance Facility Rules and Guidelines

1. Do not block the Transportation Center doors.
2. All passengers and patrons entering the TC, must enter through the metal detectors located at the bus bay entrance(s) and are subject to be searched by the Contracted Security Officers and/ or Law Enforcement.
3. No tampering with any company equipment including, but not limited to, metal detectors, fire extinguishers, signage, ticket vending machines etc.
4. Headphones must be used when operating any radio or audio devices.
5. Use of abusive, vulgar, obscene, or profane language is prohibited.
6. Weapons concealed or otherwise are prohibited in the Transportation Center, the administrative facility and the maintenance facility and/or on the premises surrounding all facilities including parking lots.
7. No fighting, communicating threats, or disorderly conduct.
8. No soliciting: No citizen(s) are permitted to request money and/or other services from other patrons and/or contracted staff while on the premises.
9. No loitering: All persons inside and/or outside the TC must have a valid WSTA, PART, or authorized Transit Provider bus ticket or transfer in order to remain at the TC unless the patron can provide proof that they have a transit service need(s) at that time.
10. Individuals who have been banned from the Transit Center may be subject to criminal trespassing charges without a pre-approved purpose for being on the property during the ban period.
11. Children under the age of 11 must be accompanied by a supervising adult.
12. No running or horseplay in the transit center, or on any WSTA vehicle.
13. Smoking is only allowed in the designated areas. This includes electric cigarettes and vape cartridges.
14. No littering: Trash must be disposed of using the appropriate trash cans.
15. Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times.
16. The possession and/or consumption of an open container of alcohol, or illegal drugs inside the Transportation Center or on its surrounding premises is prohibited.
17. No Pets are allowed inside the TC, Administrative and Maintenance Facilities. Service animals are permitted in compliance with ADA regulations.
18. All patrons must enter the Transportation Center through the main entrance. If a patron allows another patron to enter into the center back any other access, they will be found in violation of the Code of Conduct policy and subject to a temporary ban from the center.

Transit Policies While riding WSTA vehicles: Buses, Vans and Support Vehicles

1. Use respectful language and behavior towards other passengers and vehicle operators.
2. Don’t interfere with the operation of a vehicle.
3. Do not cross the driver barrier line when the bus is in operation.
4. Passengers must be fully clothed with shirt and shoes while traveling on the WSTA buses.
5. No panhandling and soliciting.
6. No spitting, urinating, defecating or exposing one’s body inside or outside of WSTA vehicles.
7. No engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior including direct or indirect comments or physical contact.
8. No threats of any kind (including verbal or nonverbal gestures) toward another person, bus operator, or company employee.
9. No physical violence, intimidation and/or harassment toward another person, bus operator, or company employee.
10. Smoking and /or vaping is not allowed on any WSTA vehicle.
11. No participation in illegal activity or criminal activity
12. No use, consumption or transportation of any open alcoholic beverage on any WSTA property, vehicle or facility, including WSTA bus stops and Park & Ride Lots.
13. No use, consumption or transportation of any illegal drugs on any WSTA property, vehicle or facility, including WSTA bus stops and Park & Ride Lots.
14. Transit drivers will deny transportation to any patron displaying public intoxication.
15. No possession or use of weapons, explosives, such as fire crackers, or other hazardous items on any WSTA vehicle.
16. No tampering with any equipment including but not limited to safety and emergency equipment, alarms, or control switches of any type on WSTA vehicles and facilities.
17. No damaging, defacing, destroying or vandalizing any WSTA vehicle, facility, or the personal property of another person using WSTA.
18. Passengers must follow instructions given by the transit operator or WSTA official while riding on a WSTA vehicle or present at a WSTA facility.
19. Seating at front of WSTA vehicles is reserved for elderly and/or disabled passengers. Passengers who are not elderly or disabled may be asked to move to an alternate seat to accommodate an elderly or disabled passenger.
20. Pets are not allowed on WSTA vehicles. Service animals are allowed on WSTA vehicles in compliance to ADA regulations.
21. No more than four bags and/or personal carry-on items per person. Please consolidate bags and personal carry-on items prior to boarding WSTA vehicles.
22. Passenger’s items may not block aisles or seats, take up seats or be left unattended.
23. No eating or drinking on board vehicles.
24. Passengers may not engage in disruptive behaviors.
25. Headphones are required when using cell phones and other electronic devices.

Winston-Salem Transit Authority Ban Policy (Violators of Rules and Policies)

Currently, all passengers, upon arrival, are required to obtain a valid ticket for their destination. All passengers and other members of the public may not remain upon the WSTA property for longer than 90-minutes. Passengers and members of the public may be asked to produce their valid ticket and a photo I.D. upon request from Security. All visitors to the transit center shall be required to pass their property through a screening station and all visitors may be subjected to a metal detection screening/waning of their person.

For the safety, health and well-being of our passengers, visitors, employees and the public, rules of conduct must be followed on WSTA vehicles and while present at any facilities operated by the Winston-Salem Transit Authority. Passengers and/or citizens who violate the Winston-Salem Transit Authority Code of Conduct, or any state or local law may be issued a citation, banned from WSTA’s vehicles, banned from any property managed by the Transit Agency; including the Clark Campbell Transportation Center, and/or arrested. There are four (4) categories of Ban Violations subject to this policy.

For the safety, health and well-being of our passengers, visitors, employees, and the public, certain rules of conduct shall be adhered to and not allowed upon WSTA vehicles and in and upon any facilities operated by the Winston-Salem Transit Authority, violations may include banning from our facilities or citation or arrest, among these are:

7-Day Ban Violation: Corrective behavior/warning (not serious enough for a 6-month ban) means WSTA will not tolerate the following types of behavior (i.e., public drunkenness, excessive profanity, disorderly conduct including verbal altercations) on WSTA’s vehicles and any property managed by the Transit Agency, including the Clark Campbell Transportation Center. The 7-day ban is non-appealable.

6-Month Ban Violations: Boisterous, abusive, lewd, violent, lascivious, or profane language or behavior is not allowed. Additionally, acts of loitering, public impairment, panhandling, larceny, stalking, unsanitary issues, fighting, harassment, peddling of any kind and sexual harassment will result in a 6-Month Ban from the Clark Campbell Transportation Center, the bus bays, and the rear of the building.

Permanent Ban Violations: Indecent exposure, physical assault against any WSTA employee or contracted vendors, or city officials, or violent, disorderly, threatening conduct, any felonious activity and/or continued minor violations will result in a Permanent Suspension from the Transportation Center, the bus bays, and the parking lot in the rear of the Transportation Center building.

Violator Ban/Removal:
If the passenger’s behavior warrants, WSTA Personnel/Security/Contracted Police reserve the right to immediately and/or permanently suspend a passenger’s privileges. Said parties may also issue a less extensive ban of 30 or 90 days based on their discretion, violators prior history and facts of the incident. If the person who has been banned returns to the property before the end of their ban period, the suspension period could be extended based on the offense, or same could lead to a criminal charge of Trespass.

Ban Notification:
Any passengers or person banned from the Transportation Center, the bus bays, and the parking lot in the rear of the building under this policy, will be notified in person and may appeal a suspension/permanent removal decision within 30 days after receiving the original ban notification. The WSTA Appeals Committee will meet with any banned passenger who has chosen to appeal the ban decision by security officers and/or WSTA personnel. A ban remains in effect until the appeal process has been completed.

The 90-minute time period will not apply to patrons waiting for PART, Sunway or Barron buses. Those patrons are allowed to remain on WSTA property for longer periods of time, but must still provide photo identification and a valid I.D.

Appeal Procedures:
If an individual is banned from riding all WSTA vehicles and/or banned from any property managed by WSTA, including the Clark Campbell Transportation Center and wishes to appeal that decision, he/she may do so by contacting the Mobility Management Director at 336.727.2000 or via email at within 30 days of receiving the notification. The 7-day ban violation cannot be appealed.

If warranted, the WSTA Appeals Committee may consider a reduction of a 6-month or Permanent ban period and/or a probation period, at an appeal hearing according to the levels below:

Reduction Level:

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5

Optional Suspension Reduction Periods

Up to 30 days
Up to 90 days
Up to 6 months
Up to year1

Winston-Salem Transit Authority Appeal Process and Procedure
Any person banned from the Transportation Center, the bus bays, and the parking lot in the rear of the building under this policy will be able to continue to utilize WSTA Fixed Route services. However, they must board the buses at the 1st stop after the bus leaves Transportation Center and de-board the bus at the last stop before the bus arrives at the terminal. Please see the outbound and inbound stops below.